About Everlaw

In the modern legal landscape, where digital information proliferates and managing it efficiently becomes paramount, Everlaw emerges as a beacon of innovation in the Legal Discovery Software industry. This cloud-native platform promises to transform the approach to litigation and investigations, offering a suite of tools designed to simplify complex legal work.

From the moment you engage with Everlaw, its commitment to innovation is palpable. The platform boasts rapid release cycles and thoughtful design, ensuring that legal teams are equipped with the latest advancements in ediscovery. The user experience is a standout feature, with an intuitive interface that empowers even the least tech-savvy legal professionals to harness its full potential. This ease of use is a significant advantage, as it allows teams to focus on substantive work while the software handles the heavy lifting of data management.

Everlaw's prowess in handling ediscovery is particularly noteworthy. With its cloud-native technology, the platform offers a streamlined process for managing electronic documents during litigation and investigations. The ability to quickly upload documents and utilize powerful analytics and machine learning tools for insight generation is a game-changer. Users can slash the number of documents promoted to active review significantly, thanks to Everlaw's effective early case assessment capabilities.

When it comes to internal investigations, Everlaw presents itself as a robust ally. The platform's advanced technology facilitates a faster response to incidents like cyber breaches and subpoenas. For trial preparation, it provides comprehensive deposition and trial preparation tools that enhance team collaboration and efficiency.

Security and privacy are not afterthoughts but foundational elements of Everlaw's offering. In an era where data breaches are commonplace, the platform's commitment to protecting sensitive information provides much-needed reassurance to its users. Everlaw's adherence to stringent security standards instills confidence that legal teams' data is in safe hands.

However, no platform is without its drawbacks. Customers looking for a more predictable cost structure might be cautious, as specifics on pricing are not overtly detailed in the public domain. Potential users may need to engage directly with Everlaw to get a clear understanding of the investment required. Moreover, while the platform is rich in features, the learning curve for maximizing all of its capabilities could be steep for some.

In conclusion, Everlaw stands out in the crowded field of Legal Discovery Software. Its cloud-native platform, innovation-driven approach, and intuitive user experience make it an attractive choice for law firms, corporations, and government agencies alike. While there is always room for improvement, particularly in the realms of cost transparency and onboarding, Everlaw's strengths in ediscovery, internal investigations, and trial preparation make it a formidable contender for any legal team looking to enhance their digital capabilities.

Products and Services

Everlaw offers a cutting-edge, cloud-native ediscovery software suite that leverages advanced AI and analytics to streamline the litigation and investigation process, enhancing collaboration, insights, and efficiency for law firms, corporations, and government agencies.

Everlaw Platform

A comprehensive ediscovery platform designed for the 21st century that simplifies complex legal work.

Everlaw AI and Analytics

Provides powerful analytics and machine learning tools to capture near-instant insights in complex ediscovery data.

Storybuilder by Everlaw

Deposition and trial preparation tools that unlock the collaborative power of legal teams.

EverlawAI Assistant

Harnesses the power of generative AI and advanced analytics for ediscovery processes.


  • Processes large volumes of data efficiently with up to 900,000 documents per hour

  • Has completed a SOC 2 Audit Type II examination, ensuring high data security

  • Features technology that can identify critical differences in documents crucial for legal proceedings


  • High efficiency and feature-rich platform may come with premium pricing

Getting Started

With Everlaw, after sign-up, users will dive into cloud-native eDiscovery software designed for litigation and investigations. The platform offers Everlaw AI and Analytics and tools for early case assessment and trial preparation. The company focuses on providing a streamlined user experience with rapid uploads and document review. Everlaw for Good demonstrates their commitment to social impact. Interested parties should visit Everlaw's website to request a demo and explore the platform's features. If Everlaw doesn't align with your specific needs, there are other services in our rankings to explore.